The process and the importance of photography for me and my work

The process and the importance of photography for me and my work

11 years, 290 days ago

Above all I am a painter. Nevertheless, I can not exclude the Photography for me, is it to me as essential as the drawing. I see both as complementary media.On the one hand allowed the photograph to sketch fleeting moments fastest, the other is a photographic subject for me a caressing of what happened to me again and again, how the steady way, which I experience a while with feet and eyes. There are also the gestures of the people that represent a habit again and occupy me.

All of my photographs that I am presenting to my site here are analogous created images.
Developed by my self.
I plan to continue to choose the digital camera only as a means of documentation.
The black and white art photographs I want to continue to capture analogque.

I want to elaborate the development of images on photo paper in a classic photo lab. This is very important to me.

I do not want to defy the modern age, but the process of developing an image from the negative to the positive on paper for me is like a ceremony.

The analogous way to a photo-image allows me the pictures from the actual photo sharpness to take out and to make them softer. Some images are reminiscent of a coal-ink drawing. They have scratches, stains, fingerprints. They smell.
All that I can not achieve digitally.

Then follows the reading and my decision, I would represent what images. And again just like in the paintings and drawings only the detection of the encounter. One image reaches the one, the other touched the other - in an individual way. Perhaps a picture meets one person who feels the same temperature of the emotion with which I created the image ..
