

10 years, 167 days ago

If the world is moving steadily, so everyone is still in his own runway. A rhythm of habits happens every day or a baiting and looking for a home filled the existence.I belong to those who run in a zigzag pattern, like a badly thrown bowling ball. Through the eternal beat to the limits, sometimes I'm so broken that I completely lose my way.I get up and start a new try. I disappear for a while to pick up. Then I start a new run.

Then starts in my head again a little question to grow.
Sense or nonsense? I'm looking for the answer, I consult the existence. Again'm in zigzag. The edges of the borders begin to ache. The question is embarrassing.

Curiosity drives me to knock on the doors. At the doors behind which I suspect that has never been seen. I understand many things that I discover, not immediately.

Partial grabs me the horror of the immensity and the encroachment of human to human.
I check my imagination.
I want to know and understand how the feelings and thoughts of some people can convert to servants and enslaved themselves.

The kindness and benevolence is actually quite uplifting and grateful.
And in the origin of a communicative love.
Malice and spite need as much energy to run and for a reactive defense.

I walk through this world and encounter. I'll take and be astonished.

With curiosity and love,

K. C.