

8 years, 83 days ago

The city is a meeting place for many lives. People come together and begin to observe themselves. Then they understand similarities and organize, arrange themselves and fall into processes that develop. After a while they sink into habits and the consciousness does not have to deal with the everyday procedures anymore. If everything works. Then, however, many souls break the rut. They begin to look for. Something that irritates the smooth surface of their being. Just to stop somewhere else. Aware deal with something and to engage in, that the spirit is stirring again. For it to itch in their senses.

City-PeopleSo some of these souls begin to stir up unrest. In own rows. Then they pull more rounds. As far as they need to find what they holds. What fills.

The others, the contented, enjoy the orders and laws to which they lean and which give them support. It is nevertheless comfortable without a responsibility to take over a system to use what works. In serene existence.

The work gives fixed times. Everything else gets stediness through the given rhythm. Eating times, times of movement and social interaction. They have meeting points for the breaks. They have meeting places for the evenings. And for the nights when they can not sleep.
People meet people. People choose affiliations. Sometimes appropriate way. Sometimes not. They do not get so much time to think if something does not fit. It may be covered. Through entertaining programs and games. So much fits into a human that it can occupy him until his time is over. Man does not have to make an effort to indicate something, to give something of himself, which perhaps disturbs.
However, some, even not a few, can not fit, be suffice in the system. These disturb and move. These may develop. They arouse an uncomfortable demand for consideration and development.
And nowhere else than in a city, they get the chance to meet like-minded people to develop strength for a morning.